Gospel TV Spots Prayer Line Update
Gospel TV Spots Prayer Line Update

Prayer Line Impact


 Last month I recorded a special Gospel TV spot, which we ran nationwide on major networks as well as individual stations. We were also able to run it on Christmas Day, sharing the Good News that can bring hope and forgiveness—and change lives for eternity. Thank you for your support and prayers that made this possible.

 Thousands of people have called our Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line since the spot aired—and we thank God for each person who is beginning 2025 with new life in Christ. We also know that many other seeds for the Gospel are planted and decisions are made by individuals who never call, but turn to God in repentance and faith. We thank Him for each one who has been “called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9, NKJV). Will you join us in lifting these new brothers and sisters up in prayer?

 Thank you for your commitment to sharing the Gospel. We are grateful for your partnership.

May the Lord richly bless you,

Franklin Graham signature.

Franklin Graham | President & CEO

*Photos changed to protect privacy

Filled With the Joy of the Lord

 Debbie dialed the number for the Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line on Christmas Day. As soon as our representative answered, she said, “I just prayed with Franklin on TV to accept Jesus.” The two talked about the magnitude of the decision Debbie had just made. Our team member used “Steps to Peace With God” to make sure she fully understood her new life in Jesus Christ and to help her find assurance that “having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise” (Ephesians 1:13, NKJV). Debbie shared that she already knows of a church she plans to attend, as well as a women’s Bible study she’s going to join. We praise God for changing Debbie’s life! Please pray for her and all those who have made decisions through this ministry.

Delivered From His Breaking Point

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 Edgardo was struggling with anxiety before he saw a Gospel spot on TV. He picked up the phone right away and called our Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line. He immediately told our team member that he was at a breaking point, completely overwhelmed by family tensions and financial burdens. He had been crying out to God for help when the ad came on the channel—and he knew the Lord had heard him. During their conversation, Edgardo prayed to surrender his life to Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. Our representative prayed for him and pointed him to the Bible’s call to “not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6, ESV). Before the call ended, Edgardo said he planned to begin attending a local Bible-teaching church.

Embracing New Life in Christ

 Evelyn prayed to surrender her life to the Lord as she followed along with Franklin’s message in a Gospel spot. She wanted to talk to someone about her decision, so she called our prayer line. Our team member made sure she had a gtv evelyn astock 182567746 Bible to read right away and sent her some discipleship materials to help her grow closer to the Lord. Evelyn explained that she sometimes has to work on Sundays—but she plans to begin attending a local church any time she can. Our representative also encouraged her to tune in online when she’s unable to go in person, to tell her loved ones about her new faith, and to read God’s Word every single day. We give God all the glory for Evelyn’s new life in Him. Please pray that she will learn “to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called” (Ephesians 4:1, ESV).

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Intentional About His Decision

 Clyde listened to the Gospel spot on TV, but he wanted to talk to someone before he prayed to receive Jesus Christ. Our team member answered Clyde’s call and carefully explained the Good News, making sure he understood. Clyde made the decision to receive salvation and walk “in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:31, NKJV). After he prayed, he said he regularly watches Billy Graham Classic programs on television and then asked our representative to lift up his young granddaughter to the Lord in prayer for some health issues she is having. At the end of the call, Clyde’s heart was at peace and he was joyful because of his new decision to follow Jesus Christ.

Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line:
855-255-PRAY (7729)

The Cross Is the Power of God

 Ray was deeply touched as he watched Franklin’s Gospel presentation on TV. He had never before understood the glorious truth about Jesus Christ—that ray option astock 201337221 it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself ... having made peace through the blood of His cross” (Colossians 1:19–20, NKJV). Overwhelmed by the joy of his decision to follow the Lord, he called our prayer line. During his conversation with our representative, the two talked about the promise of the Holy Spirit, the importance of reading the Bible, and how he can grow though prayer and fellowship with other believers. Please pray for Ray as he walks daily with Jesus Christ.

Gospel TV Spots & Prayer Line

God works through people like you to change the world by the power of the Gospel.

PRAY: Please ask the Lord to draw people from all walks of life to Himself through these evangelistic ads. Pray that they would become faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

GIVE: You can reach countless people across our nation through Gospel TV spots. Your gift will help make it possible to broadcast the Good News of Jesus Christ—through TV, radio, and online—and point people to our Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line for those who would like prayer.

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