Dear Friend,
Thanks to the generous support of believers like you, people all across our nation—and around the world—still hear my father preach the Gospel on TV, satellite and FM radio, social media platforms, and other places online. God is at work through this ministry, calling men, women, and children to Himself.
We praise Him for each person who discovers “the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory” (2 Timothy 2:10, ESV) through these programs and for friends like you who make this life-changing work possible.
Will you pray for all those who have recently made a decision for Jesus Christ after watching one of these programs? Thank you for your heart to point people far from God to His truth.
May the Lord richly bless you,
Franklin Graham
President & CEO
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‘I want to get this settled tonight …’
Gordon* has seen many Billy Graham Classic programs on TV. He recently told us the Holy Spirit convicted him as he listened to a message about “repentance toward God and … faith in our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21, ESV). He called our Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line and told the associate that he wanted to get his salvation settled that evening. After the two talked for a few minutes, Gordon prayed to receive Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. After he prayed, he told our team member that he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. We praise God for drawing Gordon to Himself.
*Names and photos changed to protect privacy
The Gospel Sparked His Curiosity
Theo,* who lives in Kenya, recently heard one of Billy Graham’s sermons on a local radio broadcast. The young man was fascinated by the Gospel message he had listened to and decided to call our prayer line to find out more. Our associate was happy to answer Theo’s questions. The two talked about how salvation is found only in Jesus Christ, who canceled “the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14, ESV). While on the phone, Theo offered a heartfelt prayer to surrender his life to the Lord. We praise God for this new brother in Christ!
A Celebration in Heaven
Kyra* called our prayer line after watching one of Billy Graham’s sermons on TV. The Gospel message she had heard thrilled her—and she was ready to do something about it. Kyra told our associate that she wanted to embrace salvation in Jesus Christ, and she eagerly prayed to receive Him as Lord and Savior of her life. Our associate told Kyra about Jesus’ promise that “there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10, ESV) and welcomed her into the family of God. We sent her a new Bible and helped her find a church nearby so that she can grow closer to the Lord. Will you pray for this new sister?
He Was Desperate for Relief
Ted* works as a cab driver, and he recently called our prayer line with a heavy heart. He had been watching Billy Graham Classics on TV for about three weeks when he noticed the number and decided he needed to talk to someone. He told our team member that his wife was dying of cancer, and he was desperate to be free from his anxiety. Just a few minutes into their call, Ted earnestly prayed to repent of his sins and receive salvation in Jesus Christ. After he prayed, he said to our team member, “I need to know I am worthy.” Our associate compassionately shared that God “made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21, ESV) and explained that when the Lord looks at Ted, He sees the finished work of His Son. Will you pray that God would strengthen Ted and his wife?
He Rediscovered God in His Grief
Paul* had been watching Billy Graham Classics on TV for two weeks when he decided to finally call the prayer line. When he connected with one of our associates, he shared that he had lost his son suddenly in an accident two years earlier—and he had struggled with his faith for some time. Paul was eager to renew his relationship with Jesus Christ. He said a heartfelt prayer of surrender to “God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace” (2 Thessalonians 2:16, ESV). Our team member also prayed for Paul and asked the Lord to encourage him in his faith.
God works through people like you to change the world by the power of the Gospel.
Pray Will you ask God to continue to draw people to Himself through these broadcasts? Please pray that people across our nation—and around the world—will respond to the Gospel message they hear by surrendering their lives to the Lord in repentance and faith.
Give TV & RADIO BROADCASTS—You can help reach large audiences with the same Gospel message Billy Graham proclaimed during seven decades of ministry and which Franklin Graham and Will Graham preach today. Your gift to TV & Radio Broadcasts will help tell others the Good News through audio and video programs airing on a multitude of platforms, including television, satellite and FM radio, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and more.