Hymns for the Soul

Get this new resource Hymns for the Soul—with songs and inspiring stories from Billy Graham Crusades.

Billy Graham understood the power of music to stir the soul and open the heart to hear the Gospel message. This devotional booklet of familiar hymns—music used over the years at Billy Graham Crusades—can help you and your family worship the Lord. With short stories and messages by Billy Graham, Cliff Barrows, and George Beverly Shea, we pray this resource will be an inspiration for years to come.

When you give a gift of any amount using the form below, we’ll send you a copy of Hymns for the Soul. We pray this new resource—with devotional reflections and prayers—will draw you and your family closer to the Lord.

*While supplies last; please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery; U.S. residents only.

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