Hispanic Initiative Ministry Update 2023
Hispanic Initiative Ministry Update 2023

Hispanic Initiative Ministry Update 2023

January 2024

Franklin Graham.

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your heart to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are helping reach Spanish speakers with His love—and equipping Hispanic believers to do the same.

Spanish is the fourth most-spoken language globally, with 60 million speakers in the U.S. alone. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share the Good News with many among this massive audience.

Preparing other believers to proclaim the “good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 8:12, ESV) has also been at the heart of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s ministry since the beginning. Through Hispanic Initiatives, we are equipping more Christians to reach their neighbors with God’s love.

Chaplains in Perryton, Texas.

A few months ago, we had the privilege of hosting four Evangelism Summits for Hispanic pastors and ministry leaders in Texas, Arizona, and California. Hundreds participated in these events, which included Biblical teaching sessions, Christ-centered fellowship, and worship. Many of those who attended are working hard in their communities to prepare for the God Loves You Frontera Tour, which begins next month.

I’ll share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 10 cities along our nation’s southern border and invite people at every stop to place their trust in Him. Will you join me in praying that God will draw men, women, and children to Himself through the tour?

I thank Him for friends like you who help share the Good News that “the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever” (Psalm 100:5, ESV).

May God richly bless you,

Franklin Graham signature.

Franklin Graham | President & CEO

*Names and photos changed to protect privacy

Hurricane Fiona

When Hurricane Fiona destroyed homes and claimed lives in Puerto Rico, Spanish-speaking Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains deployed to share God’s love there. A couple of chaplains met Guadalupe,* who cares for her severely handicapped grandson. The chaplains listened as the 73-year-old talked about how hard she tries to give him the best care possible. When the conversation turned to faith, Guadalupe shared that she used to attend church—but always left feeling like she wasn’t good enough. Our chaplain compassionately explained that salvation comes by faith and that “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9, ESV). The Holy Spirit worked in Guadalupe’s heart, and she said a heartfelt prayer of repentance and faith. Her old Bible had been destroyed in the storm, so our chaplains gave her a new one, along with discipleship materials to help her grow closer to the Lord. Will you pray for Guadalupe? Please ask God to strengthen her as she cares for her grandson.

Hispanic Heritage Day singing at the Billy Graham Library.

Hispanic Heritage Day at the Billy Graham Library

Mathew 5 verse 14 Hispanic Heritage Day children at the Billy Graham Library

On Sept. 23, the Billy Graham Library welcomed nearly 300 people to Hispanic Heritage Day. Men, women, and children from many countries including Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, and Peru enjoyed Christ-centered fellowship, a concert, and Spanish-language The Journey of Faith tours. There were special activities for kids and families, including craft time on the patio. One of our team members also offered a Gospel presentation for the children in attendance. As she shared the Good News, the Holy Spirit worked in many of their hearts—and eight of them received Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. After the children prayed alongside their parents, Library team members gave them Spanish-language discipleship resources. Will you pray for each child who made a decision for the Lord? Ask Him to help them become bold witnesses and lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.

Chaplain training. Sharing Hope in Crisis teaching.

Sharing Hope in Crisis

A few months ago, Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains hosted the very first Spanish-language Sharing Hope in Crisis seminar in the United States. More than 100 people attended the training, which took place at the Billy Graham Library. Francisca was among the participants, and she shared that she was pleasantly surprised when she realized the presentation was in her native language. “I have learned in other courses how to respond to physical needs when tragedies happen, but when a person is traumatized, they need emotional support,” she said. “With this course, I now know safely and confidently how I will provide that support.” While Sharing Hope in Crisis is designed to equip any believer to minister to hurting people in Jesus’ Name, it is also the first step for those who want to become a BG-RRT chaplain. After the training at the Library, many participants shared their interest in taking that next step.

Look Up Tour

Group praying at the Look Up Tour.

At the end of September, Will Graham had the opportunity to share the Gospel with more than 5,600 people in Idaho Falls, Idaho, during the Look Up Tour. More than 590 people responded to the Good News by making life-changing decisions for Jesus Christ—including many families who walked forward together. Marta* and her three young children attended KidzFest, and after enjoying the fun activities, they listened closely as Will preached. When he gave the invitation, all four made their way down front. Marta talked to one of our Spanish-speaking prayer counselors about Will’s message, and then she and her children all prayed to receive Jesus Christ. Before they left, they were given discipleship materials in Spanish to help them grow closer to the Lord.

God Loves You Frontera Tour map.
Franklin Graham preaching at the Frontere tour.

God Loves You Frontera Tour

Starting next month, Franklin Graham will preach the Gospel in 10 cities along our country’s southern border: Brownsville, McAllen, Laredo, Eagle Pass, Del Rio, Presidio, and El Paso, Texas; Tucson and Yuma, Arizona; and Chula Vista, California. Our Hispanic Initiatives staff has already been working behind the scenes to mobilize local leaders and believers ahead of the God Loves You Frontera Tour. Last fall, churches in the region hosted the Christian Life and Witness Course to equip local believers to share the Good News with their neighbors—as part of the tour and on their own. Please join us in praying for these opportunities for the Gospel.


How You Can Help

God works through people like you to change the world by the power of the Gospel.

PRAY: Ask God to continue using Hispanic Initiatives to draw men and women to Himself. Please pray that He will also work through this ministry to equip believers to boldly share the Gospel in their communities.

GIVE: Your gift helps share the Good News of Jesus Christ with Spanish speakers here in the U.S. and around the world. When you give, you also make it possible to disciple Hispanic believers so they can reach their neighbors with God’s love and truth.

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