Fearless Digital Election Guide
Fearless Digital Election Guide

Fearless Digital Election Guide

A Biblical Look at the Issues Affecting
Our Families This Election

This election will impact our nation—and your family—for generations to come. With our fundamental rights at stake, are you prepared to vote this November? Do you feel equipped to select candidates who will protect your parental rights and uphold positions in line with God’s truth?

In this free digital “Election Prayer Guide,” Cissie Graham Lynch, Christian wife and mother of three, equips you with Biblical insight on eight key issues that are affecting the heart of our families—including education, gender ideology, immigration, and the economy. Lynch implores us to research the candidates, pray fervently, and exercise our privilege to vote.

“Our battle is not between political parties—it’s
a matter of good versus evil. Truth versus lies.
And God’s absolute truth never changes—no matter
how our culture tries to redefine it.”

—Cissie Graham Lynch
Billy Graham’s granddaughter and
Franklin Graham’s daughter

“The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God will stand forever.”


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